40 items in my wardrobe: 10 shoes


As you may have guessed, I will turn 40 years old soon. We already have my personal story on the blog, where there will be a new part released every week. So we thought it could be fun with a festive series to give you a bit more of "light reading". 40 is such a fun and grown-up number, so we want to celebrate by picking out 40 items in my wardrobe that was a part of defining who I am. So in this first part, I want to show you 10 pairs of shoes.

Shoes have always had a massive space in my wardrobe. One thing is obvious; they can make an outfit perfect - but it's so much more to me. My shoes are my memories. They tell about life events, feelings, vacations, I can feel the rhythm from a good party in a shoe, and I remember every purchase. If a shoe made an impression on me, I would go very far to have that shoe in my wardrobe.

Since I was a kid, shoes have been a remarkable thing. I clearly remember my first shoes that said a "click, click" noise when I walked in them. It was a pair of white Flamco shoes, bought on vacation to Malta, when I was 10 years old. I can still feel the emotions I had when I put that shoe on for the first time. Today it's the same feeling, 30 years later, when I try on a unique shoe. Maybe that's when it all started?

I am what many would call a collector. I have shoes I never have, or only a few times, worn - but I would never get rid of them simply because they tell a story about me and who I am. I have way more shoes than the 10 I'm showing here, but I never doubted the 10 I would show you today. These are very special.

Actually, I also collect a pair of Molly's shoes each year. Some of them beat up, but so many of her steps in life are in those shoes. They are full of fun and games and happy days.

I know it sounds crazy, but shoes are just something very special to me. So here I want to show a few pictures of my 10 favourite shoes. 10 of the special memories that made me who I am. In my opinion, you can learn everything about me through my shoes. In these 10 ones, you will find my weddings shoes, my "slippers", the first pair I bought after a depression, shoes from far, far away, shoes I've been on the hunt for many years and a pair that Molly made very special to me even though they wouldn't be my first pick.

Ne day I will tell you all about them, show you even more pictures - but as a beginning, you can try guessing which is which!

Best wishes,
