Personal story part 1: Something about turning 40


Dear you,


Then it finally became the year 2022. I hope you entered the year happy and safe. What kind of year will this be? I think and hope it will be a good one.

Every year, around New Year's Eve, we always get the question: "What's your New Year's resolution?" Personally, I don't have any. But, as always, all year round, I try to do my best and be the best version of myself. Life is, in a way, one long resolution. We always want to do better, things we wish to achieve etc. I guess w all try our best every day, some days it's easy other days not so much.

When that's said, then I like having a goal for the year ahead of me. So I do have one this year, but it's not a resolution or an only focus.

This year is the year I turn 40. Actually, it's in 14 days. I don't think this birthday is more significant than other birthdays - it's not that particular an age. 30 is your first "adult birthday", and 50 is the half of a 100 - but 40 is just there in between. But regardless of that, the number 40 start some thoughts with me. It is a very round and adult number. 4 decades! Have I archived what I wanted? Do I live the life I want? Am I the person I want to be? All big questions I've thought about the past year.

I feel fortunate that I do what I dream of for a living. I have a dream job if I can say so myself (and luckily, I can!). I've created a business that builds on my values, and for that, I'm proud. I have a job that makes so much sense to me, and I'm excited to work every morning. It's an enormous privilege.

But to have my own independent business also have its consequences. And that's something I've become aware o this past year. In the first half of 2021, I was home all weekends and nights because of covid-19 and lockdown. The other half, I almost didn't see my family. I worked every weekend and nights during the week to catch up on the work I couldn't do in the first half. It's a huge contrast, and my family pays the highest price. They give me a lot of space to do what I love - even though that means they have to be separated from me multiple nights a week and a lot of weekends. I'm a workaholic, and I love to work, but I have to find a balance where there's room for everyone - my family, myself and my job. That's my goal this year.

I'm very grateful for my family, and you should all know that they're just as big a part of this business as I am. Without them and their support, HTDF could not happen.

Almost 9 years ago, I released my 1st sewing pattern, and back then, I didn't dare to dream of what I have today, nearly a decade later. A business with employees, a booked calendar and a whole lot amazing custumors and students who attends my workshops. Without you, there wouldn't be any business to run.

But what a journey it has been to build this business! I didn't have big business plan- or strategies. Instead, I went with my gut feeling. That's always been essential to me: to feel "at home" in my business. Sometimes I've had ideas leading me another way, mainly because I've seen someone else do it and do it well and wanted to try it out, but realising I needed to get back on track and find my values again. I've, of course, had goals and plans for my business, but I always follow my heart and my gut feeling more than anything else. I know some people will say you can't run a business like that, but to that, I just have one thing to say: "well, watch me. That's the way I'm doing it".

I believe we have to follow the way that feels right for you, and for me, this way has been the right one. So when I'm in 14 days can celebrate my 40-year-old birthday, I can sure say I'm proud of where I am. There's still a lot to do, and I still want to do it, but I have no idea of where this journey, me and HTDF, will end. I know I'm not done yet.

My little note here is not done either! I've had so much on my mind that I've had to break it up into 3 parts. Next week I want to share with you something I've been working on my entire life: how I see myself, my body and how and why that started the idea of HTDF.


Best wishes, lots of love,
