3. advent: New details to make a new blouse

Today it's finally the 3rd advent surprise! We're soon going on holiday, and I'm so excited. I look forward to all the traditions my family and I do the days up to Christmas Eve.

The advent surprise for today is another extension piece for No. 3 Kastrup that we focus on all of December.

If you can't wait, you can see it already here, but I have a bit more I want to talk about.

Christmas is my favourite holiday because it means so much "hygge" with your family and that there is light everywhere. I wish we would bring some of all this light with us into January and February, which sometimes can feel infinite because of the dark and the cold.

Yesterday we woke up to snow, and it was such a pleasant surprise. I have enjoyed having snow in December. It brightens up everything, and the days don't seem as dark.

 Like the snow, the make I'm showing today is also white. Because it's easier to show the details in a lighter fabric than a dark one - but also because I think we should be better at dressing in light colours (and just colours in general) in the winter. It helps with the mood!

Now for today's advent surprise!

In today's surprise, we open up for not just one but two details! They completely change the look of No. 3 Kastrup, and I love it. The first detail is a collar, and the second is a cuff for the sleeve.

You can use the collar on both the short sleeve and the long sleeve versions. However, you can use the cuff only one the long sleeve version, which were the advent surprise last week.

As I've said, I've made a blouse in contrast materials where you really can see the details. I'm pleased about how it turned out, and I hope you like it as much as I do.

You can buy the three pattern extensions for 4 euros. They come in a bundle with all three, and you can find them at our webshop.

Nanna MartinussenComment