Add a pocket to No. 6 København

This dress! It's a dress that keeps on giving. I love it; the colour, the fabric. It's so beautiful in my eyes.


It's No. 6 København but with a square neckline. I made a guide on how to make the neckline this summer. It just gives the dress a completely different look.


I know you all love pockets, so that guide I've, of course, created for you. It's right here. These pockets work in many of my dresses. I've started making pockets in a lot of my dress. It just makes it handier in everyday life! And I'm a big fan of using what you have in your wardrobe no matter the season and no matter if it's a party or just everyday life.


We've been talking about quite a lot this summer; how we, from a very few, patterns can create so many different looks. Throughout the summer, I've been giving you inspiration on how you can use my patterns; no. 1, no. 5 and no. 6 and mixing and matching them so you can make a beautiful and different vintage wardrobe - so take a look at our old blog posts too.


A little hint:  if you love this dress as much as I do, keep an eye on the blog and the newsletter this weekend. There will be a surprise soon! Maybe as a Christmas gift? But you have to be quick because we have a small amount of it available - see you soon!

Nanna MartinussenComment