I am quit a collector. I have a soft spot for two things. Shoes and jewelry. Shoes I always buy from new. With Jewelry it is a whole other story.
I Love the sparkling rhinestone and of course diamonds, the luxurious feeling of gold and the beautiful crafted silver. The jewelry I buy is either the sparkling costume ones or more classical quality jewels. I really like the Danish silver design from the 1940s and 1950s. My latest buy are this silver earrings from Herman Siersbøl. Two years ago, I saw a pair just like these in an antique store and fell in love. I went home to think about it. When I went back a couple of days later, they ware sold. This Friday I was scrolling through Instagram and then they was there. This time I did not think about it. I bought them right away. Now they are mine. I hope that they will be my daughters someday and that she will be as happy about them as I am.