No. 12 Aalborg

Alternative bishop sleeve


Sleeves are one of the design details that can change the look of a garment enormously, and they are one of my favourite pattern pieces to design and develop. For a long time, I have had a wish to create a sleeve for the No. 12 Aalborg with more drama than the original sleeve for the dress. I ended up making an alternative bishop sleeve, and I am absolutely in love with it and have added it to many makes.  

This sleeve is an add on, and you can buy it here. 

You  will need:  

Fabric  width  140 cm  

  • Size  32-40 3.4 m  

  • Size  42-48 4.8 m  

  • Size  50-54 5.1 m  

You will need  50 cm less if the fabric is without a pattern.  


biasband cut from the fabric - width 3,5 cm - length approx 4 m

  • Cut all your pieces in fabric

  • Follow the instruction from point 3 to 9

Sew the sleeves

  • Cut a piece of bias band the same length as written on pattern piece N

  • Sew together the bias tape, right sides together.

  • Sew the sleeves, right sides together, press the seam open.

  • Gather the hem of the sleeve; gather the sleeve, so it fits the bias tape